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This function simulate data from univariate latent change score model parameter estimates using simulateData.


  model_param = NULL,
  var = "x",
  change_letter = "g",
  sample.nobs = 500,
  na_pct = 0,
  seed = NULL,
  return_lavaan_syntax = FALSE



See specify_uni_lcsm


See specify_uni_lcsm


List, specifying parameter estimates for the LCSM that has been specified in the argument 'model'

  • gamma_lx1: Mean of latent true scores x (Intercept),

  • sigma2_lx1: Variance of latent true scores x,

  • sigma2_ux: Variance of observed scores x,

  • alpha_g2: Mean of change factor (g2),

  • alpha_g3: Mean of change factor (g3),

  • sigma2_g2: Variance of constant change factor (g2).

  • sigma2_g3: Variance of constant change factor (g3),

  • sigma_g2lx1: Covariance of constant change factor (g2) with the initial true score x (lx1),

  • sigma_g3lx1: Covariance of constant change factor (g3) with the initial true score x (lx1),

  • sigma_g2g3: Covariance of change factors (g2 and g2),

  • phi_x: Autoregression of change scores x.


See specify_uni_lcsm


See specify_uni_lcsm


Numeric, number of cases to be simulated, see specify_uni_lcsm


Numeric, percentage of random missing values in the simulated dataset (0 to 1)


Set seed for data simulation, see simulateData


Arguments to be passed on to simulateData


Logical, if TRUE return the lavaan syntax used for simulating data. To make it look beautiful use the function cat.




# Simulate data from univariate LCSM parameters 
sim_uni_lcsm(timepoints = 10, 
             model = list(alpha_constant = TRUE, beta = FALSE, phi = TRUE), 
             model_param = list(gamma_lx1 = 21, 
                                sigma2_lx1 = 1.5,
                                sigma2_ux = .2, 
                                alpha_g2 = -.93,
                                sigma2_g2 = .1,
                                sigma_g2lx1 = .2,
                                phi_x = .2),
             return_lavaan_syntax = FALSE, 
             sample.nobs = 1000,
             na_pct = .3)
#> Parameter estimates for the data simulation are taken from the argument 'model_param'.
#> All parameter estimates for the LCSM have been specified in the argument 'model_param'.
#> # A tibble: 1,000 × 11
#>       id    x1    x2    x3    x4    x5    x6    x7    x8    x9   x10
#>    <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1     1  21.7  NA    22.0  NA    20.4  NA    NA   19.5  18.4  17.9 
#>  2     2  19.5  19.1  NA    17.9  16.8  14.9  15.6 14.3  12.9  12.1 
#>  3     3  20.0  19.8  18.2  18.5  17.1  15.2  14.0 NA    12.9  12.7 
#>  4     4  22.3  21.2  21.2  NA    18.2  17.3  15.8 NA    NA    NA   
#>  5     5  21.2  21.3  NA    19.3  NA    18.1  17.0 16.3  15.4  14.3 
#>  6     6  21.0  NA    21.3  NA    19.7  19.4  20.0 19.4  NA    17.9 
#>  7     7  20.7  19.3  17.0  NA    14.3  12.8  11.0  8.54  7.47  5.66
#>  8     8  21.9  NA    NA    NA    15.8  12.6  12.2 11.3   9.99  8.49
#>  9     9  22.1  21.2  20.5  18.8  19.7  18.6  17.6 NA    16.7  NA   
#> 10    10  NA    NA    20.3  19.1  18.3  17.2  14.9 NA    14.4  NA   
#> # … with 990 more rows