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Descriptives might differ between the bysg and byperson data sets depending on whether multiple gains are present.


describe_sg(data, sg_data_structure = c("bysg", "byperson"))



A bysg or byperson dataset created using the function create_bysg or create_byperson.


String, indicating whether the input data is a bysg or byperson dataset.


A list, showing basic descriptive statistics for sudden gains within the dataset specified. Note that some numbers (e.g. percentages) will be different depending which dataset is selected, because where a participant has multiple gains, only one is selected for the byperson dataset. The list includes values for:

  • total_n: number of rows in input dataset

  • sg_total_n: total number of sudden gains

  • sg_n: number of people who experienced a sudden gain (byperson dataset only)

  • sg_pct: percentage of people in the input dataset who experienced a sudden gain

  • sg_multiple_n: number of people who experienced a sudden gain (byperson dataset only)

  • sg_multiple_pct: percentage of people in the input dataset who experienced more than one sudden gain

  • sg_reversal_n: number of sudden gains that later meet the criteria for a reversal

  • sg_reversal_pct: percentage of sudden gains that later meet the criteria for a reversal

  • sg_magnitude_m: mean magnitude of the sudden gains observed

  • sg_magnitude_sd: standard deviation of the magnitude of the sudden gains observed


# Create bysg dataset
bysg <- create_bysg(data = sgdata,
                    sg_crit1_cutoff = 7,
                    id_var_name = "id",
                    tx_start_var_name = "bdi_s1",
                    tx_end_var_name = "bdi_s12",
                    sg_var_list = c("bdi_s1", "bdi_s2", "bdi_s3",
                                    "bdi_s4", "bdi_s5", "bdi_s6",
                                    "bdi_s7", "bdi_s8", "bdi_s9",
                                    "bdi_s10", "bdi_s11", "bdi_s12"),
                    sg_measure_name = "bdi")
#> First, second, and third sudden gains criteria were applied.
#> The critical value for the third criterion was adjusted for missingness.

# Describe bysg dataset
describe_sg(data = bysg,
            sg_data_structure = "bysg")
#> $total_n
#> [1] 24
#> $sg_total_n
#> [1] 24
#> $sg_pct
#> [1] 100
#> $sg_multiple_pct
#> [1] 70.83
#> $sg_reversal_n
#> [1] 4
#> $sg_reversal_pct
#> [1] 16.67
#> $sg_magnitude_m
#> [1] 11
#> $sg_magnitude_sd
#> [1] 3.43