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This function simulate data from bivariate latent change score model parameter estimates using simulateData.


  model_x_param = NULL,
  model_y_param = NULL,
  coupling_param = NULL,
  sample.nobs = 500,
  na_x_pct = 0,
  na_y_pct = 0,
  seed = NULL,
  var_x = "x",
  var_y = "y",
  change_letter_x = "g",
  change_letter_y = "j",
  return_lavaan_syntax = FALSE



See specify_bi_lcsm


See specify_bi_lcsm


List, specifying parameter estimates for the LCSM that has been specified in the argument 'model_x':

  • gamma_lx1: Mean of latent true scores x (Intercept),

  • sigma2_lx1: Variance of latent true scores x,

  • sigma2_ux: Variance of observed scores x,

  • alpha_g2: Mean of change factor (g2),

  • alpha_g3: Mean of change factor (g3),

  • sigma2_g2: Variance of change factor (g2).

  • sigma2_g3: Variance of change factor (g3),

  • sigma_g2lx1: Covariance of change factor (g2) with the initial true score x (lx1),

  • sigma_g3lx1: Covariance of change factor (g3) with the initial true score x (lx1),

  • sigma_g2g3: Covariance of change factors (g2 and g2),

  • phi_x: Autoregression of change scores x.


See specify_bi_lcsm


List, specifying parameter estimates for the LCSM that has been specified in the argument 'model_y':

  • gamma_ly1: Mean of latent true scores y (Intercept),

  • sigma2_ly1: Variance of latent true scores y,

  • sigma2_uy: Variance of observed scores y,

  • alpha_j2: Mean of change factor (j2),

  • alpha_j3: Mean of change factor (j3),

  • sigma2_j2: Variance of change factor (j2).

  • sigma2_j3: Variance of change factor (j3),

  • sigma_j2ly1: Covariance of change factor (j2) with the initial true score x (ly1),

  • sigma_j3ly1: Covariance of change factor (j3) with the initial true score x (ly1),

  • sigma_j2j3: Covariance of change factors (j2 and j2),

  • phi_y: Autoregression of change scores y.


See specify_bi_lcsm


List, specifying parameter estimates coupling parameters that have been specified in the argument 'coupling':

  • sigma_su: Covariance of residuals x and y,

  • sigma_ly1lx1: Covariance of intercepts x and y,

  • sigma_g2ly1: Covariance of change factor x (g2) with the initial true score y (ly1),

  • sigma_g3ly1: Covariance of change factor x (g3) with the initial true score y (ly1),

  • sigma_j2lx1: Covariance of change factor y (j2) with the initial true score x (lx1),

  • sigma_j3lx1: Covariance of change factor y (j3) with the initial true score x (lx1),

  • sigma_j2g2: Covariance of change factors y (j2) and x (g2),

  • sigma_j2g3: Covariance of change factors y (j2) and x (g3),

  • sigma_j3g2: Covariance of change factors y (j3) and x (g2),,

  • delta_con_xy: Change score x (t) determined by true score y (t),

  • delta_con_yx: Change score y (t) determined by true score x (t),

  • delta_lag_xy: Change score x (t) determined by true score y (t-1),

  • delta_lag_yx: Change score y (t) determined by true score x (t-1),

  • xi_con_xy: Change score x (t) determined by change score y (t),

  • xi_con_yx: Change score y (t) determined by change score x (t),

  • xi_lag_xy: Change score x (t) determined by change score y (t-1),

  • xi_lag_yx: Change score y (t) determined by change score x (t-1)


Numeric, number of cases to be simulated, see specify_uni_lcsm


Numeric, percentage of random missing values in the simulated dataset (0 to 1)


Numeric, percentage of random missing values in the simulated dataset (0 to 1)


Set seed for data simulation, see simulateData


Arguments to be passed on to simulateData


See specify_bi_lcsm


See specify_bi_lcsm


See specify_bi_lcsm


See specify_bi_lcsm


Logical, if TRUE return the lavaan syntax used for simulating data. To make it look beautiful use the function cat.




Ghisletta, P., & McArdle, J. J. (2012). Latent Curve Models and Latent Change Score Models Estimated in R. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 19(4), 651–682. doi:10.1080/10705511.2012.713275 .

Grimm, K. J., Ram, N., & Estabrook, R. (2017). Growth Modeling—Structural Equation and Multilevel Modeling Approaches. New York: The Guilford Press.

Kievit, R. A., Brandmaier, A. M., Ziegler, G., van Harmelen, A.-L., de Mooij, S. M. M., Moutoussis, M., … Dolan, R. J. (2018). Developmental cognitive neuroscience using latent change score models: A tutorial and applications. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 33, 99–117. doi:10.1016/j.dcn.2017.11.007 .

McArdle, J. J. (2009). Latent variable modeling of differences and changes with longitudinal data. Annual Review of Psychology, 60(1), 577–605. doi:10.1146/annurev.psych.60.110707.163612 .

Yves Rosseel (2012). lavaan: An R Package for Structural Equation Modeling. Journal of Statistical Software, 48(2), 1-36. doi:10.18637/jss.v048.i02 .


# Simulate data from bivariate LCSM parameters 
sim_bi_lcsm(timepoints = 12, 
            na_x_pct = .05,
            na_y_pct = .1,
            model_x = list(alpha_constant = TRUE, beta = TRUE, phi = FALSE),
            model_x_param = list(gamma_lx1 = 21,
                                 sigma2_lx1 = .5,
                                 sigma2_ux = .2,
                                 alpha_g2 = -.4,
                                 sigma2_g2 = .4,
                                 sigma_g2lx1 = .2,
                                 beta_x = -.1),
            model_y = list(alpha_constant = TRUE, beta = TRUE, phi = TRUE),
            model_y_param = list(gamma_ly1 = 5,
                                 sigma2_ly1 = .2,
                                 sigma2_uy = .2,
                                 alpha_j2 = -.2,
                                 sigma2_j2 = .1,
                                 sigma_j2ly1 = .02,
                                 beta_y = -.2,
                                 phi_y = .1),
            coupling = list(delta_lag_xy = TRUE, 
                            xi_lag_yx = TRUE),
            coupling_param =list(sigma_su = .01,
                                 sigma_ly1lx1 = .2,
                                 sigma_g2ly1 = .1,
                                 sigma_j2lx1 = .1,
                                 sigma_j2g2 = .01,
                                 delta_lag_xy = .13,
                                 xi_lag_yx = .4),
            return_lavaan_syntax = FALSE)
#> Parameter estimates for the data simulation are taken from the argument 'model_param'.
#> All parameter estimates for the LCSM have been specified in the argument 'model_param'.
#> # A tibble: 500 × 25
#>       id    x1    x2    x3    x4    x5    x6    x7    x8     x9      x10    x11
#>    <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1     1  21.3  19.6  17.3  15.1  12.1  9.87  7.75  5.58  3.89   1.78     0.185
#>  2     2  19.9  17.2  14.4  12.1  10.3  7.21  4.69  1.84  0.174 -2.44    -3.25 
#>  3     3  20.4  17.4  14.9  12.4  10.4  7.94  5.31  4.10  1.46  -1.14    -1.99 
#>  4     4  20.8  20.7  19.4  18.7  17.1 15.3  14.2  12.8  10.9    9.96     8.43 
#>  5     5  20.2  18.6  16.7  14.1  11.6 10.3   7.23  4.89  3.62   0.458   -0.172
#>  6     6  20.5  19.9  18.4  16.7  14.9 14.0  11.6  11.2   8.13   7.80     6.60 
#>  7     7  20.6  18.6  17.8  16.6  14.9 13.4  NA    10.1   9.78   8.10     6.67 
#>  8     8  23.1  21.7  21.7  19.7  19.8 18.9  18.7  17.3  16.2   15.2     15.2  
#>  9     9  22.0  19.1  18.4  16.7  14.6 13.6  11.4  10.7   8.37   7.29     5.92 
#> 10    10  20.5  18.4  15.5  12.8  10.9  8.23  6.65  3.97 NA     -0.00326 -1.19 
#> # … with 490 more rows, and 13 more variables: x12 <dbl>, y1 <dbl>, y2 <dbl>,
#> #   y3 <dbl>, y4 <dbl>, y5 <dbl>, y6 <dbl>, y7 <dbl>, y8 <dbl>, y9 <dbl>,
#> #   y10 <dbl>, y11 <dbl>, y12 <dbl>